Will try to give you a hand understanding and how to get your way around the next generation of the internet.
If you have gotten this far into the Lexicon then it is safe to say that you have been somewhat keeping up with the latest updates and news surrounding the tech and web industry. But you might still not be 100% sure about how to use and navigate it in a safe and easy way, or the advantages it will give you in your everyday life and business side of thing as well. The branches of web3 have grown so much that regardless of the industry you are in web3 will become an integral component in your digital work and strategy.
The companies that are adapting with the web and are already stepping their feet into the web3 world is getting bigger and the names are as well, such as Facebook, Pepsi, NBA and others. With other popular companies looking to join in the near future. And companies that do not decide not to evolve with the times will risk having a much more reduced digital footprint in which they previously had, which will in turn make it harder to maintain profits.
Popular WEB3 features and systems
Web3 from the outside may look very challenging and overwhelming when it comes to where to begin and what may interest you. For most of the public they have been hearing about web3 from entertainment sources and just little articles online so let's get into some of the things that make web3 so special.
NFTs - Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are basically digital collectibles that users can purchase or sell online in exchange for cryptocurrencies. These NFTs are unique units of data that are stored on digital ledgers. In some cases buying these NFTs will lead to perks like videos, access to live shows, merchandise and much more.
Blockchain - Blockchains have been one of the most essential of the web3 development, it is basically a distributed database that stores electronic information. Which is most often associated with cryptocurrencies. But it can also be used to safely create records without the need to rely on a third party needing to get involved.
Metaverse - The metaverse is the idea of a all-round 3-D virtual environment that is given to users via a augmented or virtual reality devices. As some of you may have heard Facebook recently changed it's name to Meta, which is short for Metaverse. If the metaverse does come to fruition like the users are wanting it to then Meta will be one of the best markets for digital communication, advertising and so much more.
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