Welcome to the beginning! This is where all the topics of the Cypher Lexicon will get covered before advancing on to more hefty subjects!
These beginner lessons of the Lexicon will be critical for those of you who are just getting started getting into web/technology more or if you've heard about the 'newer' iteration of the webโ Web3. If you are somewhat familiar with the Web3 space but need a refresher on a few concepts or functions then the first beginner sectionโ and also the intermediate lessons โof the Lexicon will be a significant benefit.
In the Beginner lessons of this course there are a few main subjects. We will try to help you get a better grasp of the basics before we get into the more technical jargon. It is important that you don't get ahead of yourself, take your time understanding everything because it will get easier for you if you have a strong grasp on the basics and the introductory information.
The first part will focus on the following: Technology, The Web, Cryptography, Distributed Ledgers and lastly Economics.
We will be covering many ideas and subjects in the technology world while also giving you a look at all of the different applications that you will be using in your Web3 journey.
These lessons will give you more of a basic understanding of how everything works. The Lexicon will give you a rundown of the actual components and tech that you will be working with. With these pages, we explain the web and how it has changed how we work and communicate with each other in our everyday life.
Explaining the ideas behind Cryptography and how it has influenced our ways of communication and work in general. In later sections blockchains are explained and why they are important for Web3. And finally we will teach you about economics before diving deeper into economics deployed on blockchains and notably called Cryptonomics.
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