Here we are going to focus on the technology aspects and help you better understand the different components that help make web3 what it is today and hopefully improve in the future.
For some people the technology aspects might come as the biggest challenge to some people who are not as familiar with the changes to the technology. or even people who lack the confidence to take the next steps in understanding that will give you access to everything the web has to offer in today's world. One of the main reasons is because a majority of the older generation believes that they have fallen too far behind and don't have the knowledge to take the next step.
As far as this part of the lesson is concerned for the most part it will give you an overall knowledge around web3 and the different ways it merges with everyday life today without many people even realizing it. Taking your time learning and understanding the beginning will greatly enhance and make your learning much smoother in the future lessons.
If you are starting this lesson than that must mean you have a basic understanding and navigation of computers and the internet to start the next phase which is known as web3.
Now looking at it in 2022, Bitcoin is still alive and many other currencies have come into the spotlight. In today's world, every single major technology company has taken a serious look at blockchain technology, and many have even began to build their own protocols built on either the exact same or similar foundations as those that were published by Satoshi Nakamoto.
The blockchain is simply just an addition of the advancements of the inter-connectivity and the sharing of information that we as a people have been cultivating over the many years. Saying this, we do not see blockchain technology becoming irreverent anytime in the near future. Instead we feel just like the other systems and protocols that offer advanced features for our digital interactions, blockchain will also be the foundation for future protocols that will define how we interact with each other.
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