This section will focus on introducing you to the main ideas and what we are ultimately trying to accomplish here at DecentrAgora. The lessons in this section are ideal for beginners.
The beginner part of this lesson is critical to develop an understanding of not only the history and operation of the newest web iteration but also the internet, communications and technology.
You'll see as you make your way through this book. Our interactions with each other as a whole have changed and our communications have been altered by the web.
Some may feel like they have a fairly solid understanding of the internet, but we still advise you to take your time and go through the sections slowly. The better understanding you have at the start the easier it will be to navigate further lessons.
For the people who feel like they have fallen behind in the tech world or simply, you don't feel knowledgable enough about technology.
The beginning of the Cypher Lexicon will be critical for newcomers or those less adept with the internet. It will cover the history and basic ideas of the internet and why we all need to embrace technology— it's in our nature and best interest. The Lexicon is a compendium and we're trying to become the first place you think of when you need to learn about the internet, we will give a look at how it started and all the possibilities it has now and in the future.
So, take your time going through and understanding the first section. It will greatly benefit you in the long run and certainly during the later lessons of the Lexicon. As this will be the base for everything that you will be learning from here on.
Technology: An intro to technology, the internet and virtual networks— why do we need it?
The Web: A history of the internet its benefits, use-cases, pioneers, components and versions 1-3.
Cryptography: Highlighting the importance of secured interactions in blockchain technology, you will learn of the deep history of cryptography and how it has evolved to its current state.
Distributed Ledgers: Also known as blockchains, you will learn how they eliminate the need for a 3rd party authority with their transparency and security.
Economics: A crash course on Traditional Finance, Decentralized Finance, Modern Monetary theory, and Cryptonomics.
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