Dagora PowerPlusNFT Wizard

Introducing the dAgora PowerPlus NFT Wizard, an exceptional NFT contract solution for Hoplite tier members and above. The PowerPlus NFT Wizard offers you a feature-rich ERC721A contract with royalties and a pre-sale option, ensuring you have everything you need to create, manage, and launch your NFT project.

The key features of the dAgora PowerPlus NFT Wizard include:

  • ERC721A compatibility: Benefit from the improved performance and compatibility of the ERC721A standard for your NFTs.

  • Royalty support: Set up a royalty system to generate ongoing revenue whenever your NFTs are resold in secondary markets.

  • Pause control: Manage your NFT contract with the ability to pause and resume its functionality, ensuring security and stability throughout your project's lifecycle.

  • Pre-sale option: Boost your sales strategy by offering a pre-sale period with a separate minting price.

  • Whitelist support: Utilize a Merkle root-based allowlist to control access to the pre-sale period, ensuring only eligible addresses can participate.

  • Flexible minting options: Define minting price, maximum supply, and bulk buy limits for both public and pre-sale periods, creating a tailored sales strategy for your NFT collection.

  • Customizable base URI and extension: Define the base URI and file extension for your NFT metadata, ensuring seamless integration with various platforms and marketplaces.

As a Hoplite tier member, you can maximize the potential of your NFT project with dAgora's PowerPlus NFT Wizard. Take advantage of the extensive features and tools available to create, manage, and sell your NFTs in the most efficient and profitable way possible. For even more resources and functionality, consider upgrading to one of our premium membership tiers.

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